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Beth Wodzinski Hi, I'm Beth. I create: words and art. I do yoga. I cook tasty food. I publish Shimmer magazine. Now 37% more purple.

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What To Get Me For My Birthday: Help The Philippines

Published November 11, 2013 - 18 Comments

Hooray, it’s my birthday! It’s been a good year, and the next year should be even more incredible. I’ve got a good husband, a good house, good friends, a good job, and everything’s terrific. So presents are nice? But really: I’m all set.

So today, let’s leverage the power of the Velociraptor Birthday Princess to help out some people who aren’t having such a terrific time right now. Donate to Philippines disaster relief, and I’ll match. Just leave a message in the comments with the amount and the organization you chose, and tomorrow morning I’ll total it all up and make a matching donation. Cool? Cool.





jnfr - November 11, 2013 Reply

$25 to Doctors without Borders.

Happy birthday, my friend.

Beth - November 11, 2013 Reply

thanks, jnfr!

Darcy - November 11, 2013 Reply

Hey, can I PayPal you $10 to add in to your gift so that I don’t get mail from whatever organization I would donate to? I’m *still* getting mail from Doctors Without Borders after giving them money once in 2004 and asking them about 50 times to stop mailing stuff to me. I would like to give, but I don’t want to get the inevitable mail. Let me know what you think of my plan ๐Ÿ™‚

Beth - November 11, 2013 Reply

Darcy — sure! good plan. ๐Ÿ™‚ I will email you the best address to use for paypal. Thanks!!

Sean - November 11, 2013 Reply

$10 to World food program:


Beth - November 11, 2013 Reply

Thanks, Sean!

E. Catherine Tobler - November 11, 2013 Reply

I totally sent a billion dollars to Red Cross. Or wait, no, I was running a little less than that… It was more like $20. ๐Ÿ˜€

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! รขโ„ขยฅ You are awesome.

Beth - November 11, 2013 Reply

Hooray! Thanks!

Kate - November 11, 2013 Reply

US $50 to World Food Program.

Beth - November 11, 2013 Reply

Thanks, Kate!

Adam Rakunas - November 11, 2013 Reply

$50 for Mercy Corps’s Haiyan relief. And happy birthday! You are awesome.

Beth - November 11, 2013 Reply

Hooray! Thanks.

Kelly Stiles - November 11, 2013 Reply

$10 to the ABS CBN Foundation

Laura - November 11, 2013 Reply

Is a velociraptor birthday the anniversary of the day the egg was laid or the day it hatched? Or do velociraptors get two birthdays?

Happy birthday – $10 to MSF.

Beth - November 12, 2013 Reply

Thanks, Kelly!

Beth - November 12, 2013 Reply

Thanks, Laura!

Velociraptors get as many birthdays as they want!

Carolyn - November 15, 2013 Reply

$150 to UNICEF. They truly prioritize children’s safety and mental health needs. What a great idea–instead of getting a bunch of stuff you don’t need, you get to increase the amount of compassion in the world. Thanks for letting me join in!

Beth - November 15, 2013 Reply

Carolyn! Hello! and thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

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