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Beth Wodzinski Hi, I'm Beth. I create: words and art. I do yoga. I cook tasty food. I publish Shimmer magazine. Now 37% more purple.

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Who’s Driving the Bus, Anyway?

Published November 13, 2016 - 2 Comments

Before I can contact my elected officials, I need to know who they are. Turns out, there are a lot of ’em. Today’s tiny step: collect all the contact information for my various elected officials.

Here are the links I found to help you compile your own list. makes it easy to get a list of elected officials: just enter your zip code. It tells me my US Senators, my US Representative, and my state Senator and Representative. It includes links to their sites for more information.

How to contact your state governor.

Don’t forget your county government. Enter your zip code, get a list of your county elected officials and links for more information.

Find your city government. This information is much less centralized, so I don’t have a handy link for you, but it should be very easy to find.

Got all that information? Good. We’re going to need it.

Once you’ve got all the information, read this storify to find out how to contact your representatives the most effectively.


If I Can’t Dance | Slow Bloom Blog - November 15, 2016 Reply

[…] The most effective way to contact your elected officials is to call. You can look up your elected officials on Common Cause. Beth did a better job rounding up the lookup tools. […]

Josiane - November 15, 2016 Reply

Oh, the info in that storify is great! Thank you for sharing it. I have emailed some of my elected officials a few times before, but yeah, I should get in touch with them more often and in a more effective manner…
(And you’re right, it’s been a while since we last talked. I’ve been meaning to reply to your last email forever. On top of my usual ineptitude when it comes with staying in touch, this past year has been something… In any case, I hope I’ll be able to write more soon-ish.) <3

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