Slightly insane, but worth it.

Beth Wodzinski Hi, I'm Beth. I create: words and art. I do yoga. I cook tasty food. I publish Shimmer magazine. Now 37% more purple.

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The Delights of Inefficient Travel

Published May 10, 2010 - 3 Comments

Sean and I are not efficient travelers.

Some people get in the car and drive until they get to their destination. We wander a bit. We just spent two days driving from Tahoe to Salt Lake City; apparently this takes normal people about 9 hours.

Our itinterary:

12:00 Leave the house where our friend’s wedding was held. (Very nice ceremony; everything went gorgeously.)

12:02 Stop at a scenic overlook.

….and so on.

It would make other people crazy, but we enjoy the ride — and the scenery between here and Tahoe is spectacular, in that empty Western mountain way.

And on the way back, Sean got a call: he’s got a job now. Yay!

Now to get caught up on all the Stuff that accumulated while we were gone…


Mary Robinette Kowal - May 10, 2010 Reply

Your way of meandering beats ours which involves vehicles self-destructing.

Yay for Sean getting a job!

Beth - May 11, 2010 Reply

We’ve been really lucky in the vehicles not self-destructing department, it’s true. May it be ever so!

David Doty - June 9, 2010 Reply

Taking your time and seeing what you want to see on a road trip beats efficiency any time.

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