I have big plans for you.
1. Significant Shimmer Shenanigans. We’re releasing Issue 18 (guest edited by Ann VanderMeer) in January; plus we have some enormous plans for 2014. Stay tuned…
2. Write all the things. Especially the novel, but also a bunch of short fiction. No Really This Time I Mean It. For Serious.
3. Health. This means doing a lot of yoga and a lot of swimming and eating better (more vegetables, fewer Doritos) and deepening my pranayama and meditation practices. There may also be a tai chi class starting in January.
I also have a trio of second tier targets.
4. Read all the books. I hit 105 in 2013; can I do 150 in 2014? And read even more of the short fiction.
5. Do all the art. I’ve already signed up for I think 4 classes for next year? plus I still have some from 2013 that I haven’t finished. So. I’ve already rearranged one room to have a dedicated art space; now I just need to do all the art.
6. Keep developing my own business. All in good time.