Slightly insane, but worth it.

Beth Wodzinski Hi, I'm Beth. I create: words and art. I do yoga. I cook tasty food. I publish Shimmer magazine. Now 37% more purple.

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And so we start again…

Published November 8, 2009 - 1 Comment

Back from a glorious but exhausting World Fantasy, and trying to get things back together. It’s hard, after spending most of a week in another world, an exciting and inspiring world, to get back to the ordinary work of chopping wood and carrying water.

It doesn’t help that I’m a little sick and the antibiotics I’m on are making me sleepy and dizzy. Sean’s being very solicitous but still it pretty much sucks. Gives me time to think, I guess, about ways to make sure all the important and exciting projects get done, instead of getting caught up in just feeling overwhelmed with how much work there is to do (my usual pattern).

So, faithful readers, how do you get it all done?

1 comment

Keri - November 11, 2009 Reply

No one ever gets it all done…sometimes you get a part of it done and you sit back and feel good until you remember what’s left and think about new things to be done. Mostly I just try not to think.

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